Sunday, December 4, 2011

Best Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas

Scouring madeit, etsy and various other handmade websites for ideas for Christmas presents, there were so many great ones and I just don't have enough people to give to. So I've decided to list some here so that others might have the opportunity to use them.

What little girls don't love a set of hair baubles. These ones are personalised with the girls initials and they're so easy to make. Just hand cover some buttons and thread through some hair elastic.

How easy are these peg angels to make! How gorgeous would they look on your tree? Just take a peg and hot glue your feathers and wings on. Add some string to attach to your tree and viola!

Another great idea using pegs is to pattern one side using paper or pen and put a magnet on the other side . They're great for holding kids artwork or paperwork on your fridge.

Who doesn't love shortbread? This idea takes the humble Christmas Tree shortbread and makes it into a great gift idea. Soak bamboo skewers overnight and add then to your shortbread trees before baking. Wrap individual trees in cellophane and then pop a bunch into a coffee mug. What Dad wouldn't one of these!

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